Sunday, July 25, 2010

Moths and Vintage

So today's photos are totally unrelated!

Okay lets start with the ugly...
I spotted this very strange looking moth the other day...kinda ugly!

From another angle

Now her are some shots of plants that I made vintage looking...Hope you enjoy!

OK so this one isn't vintage but I still liked the way it looked!

All by itself

I like the angle of this one

There is something I like about this one but I'm not quite sure what it is yet!

As usual, which is your favourite?


  1. Beautiful pictures! My favorite is the first vintage picture! :) I hope you will check out my online, Christian magazine and become a subscriber:

  2. the second moth and the last picture are my favorite. the moth is so unusual looking

  3. Lovely, my dear! I really like the first and last of the "vintage" series.:)
    And the moth...oh, wow!

    Love and Blessings,

  4. I love the wheat shots! Beautiful!


I love comments. Please leave me some of your thoughts!