Saturday, July 9, 2011

Rain Rain Please Go Away!

It's supposed to be summer right? It's been raining way too much! So what do you do on a rainy day? I take pictures! I know I made a post not that long ago about rain but hey I was bored! I took a few inside, then I covered my camera with my jacket and went outside. Here are the results of a rainy day!

Even my pups are tired of the rain!

Lookin' out the window...

Got a favourite?

How is the weather wherever you are?


  1. Wow, these are so beautiful! The third one is definitely mt favorite! Even though they're all amazing... ;)

  2. They're really great pictures! :) I like #6 the best.

    Its sunny here actually, but I wish it were a bit cooler though. ;)

  3. I love the B/W one of the water droplet. it's waaaay to hot here, I wish it was fall, or spring, just anytime without too much rain, or too much hotness.

  4. oh man! I can't even choose a favourite! these are all absolutely stunning! :D It's been extremely nice out where I am, but we did get a little bit of rain yesterday!

  5. I love all of them! Where I am, there's finally been sunshine for a while!!

  6. All of these pictures are beautiful! The first one was really cute :)

  7. these are SERIOUSLY fantastic. i really really love the mushroom shot.

  8. Those are all SO beautiful!!! I love everyone of them. You did an amazing job!! :)

  9. i love the mushroom pic, and the last one! whew. you are amazing! [;

  10. Thanks so much for all the sweet comments! Each and every one of them mean a lot to me :)

  11. 1 2 3 6 7 8! are my favs!! :) your pictures are amazing. I love your blog. ♥♥ But really, you must be thankful, we haven't had rain here in almost 3 weeks, and when we did, it was 0.2 inches. nothing. :) praying for rain here! :D
    Have an awesome day!

  12. Laura, thanks so much for your kind comment! Too bad I can't just give you some of our rain! Haha :)

  13. Too many rainy days are no fun :( All the pictures are SUPER! I really like the 1st and last one :)

  14. WOW! These are amazing Elyssa!!! What a talented sister I have! ;)

  15. Raindrops make awesome pictures!!!

  16. Goooooolllllly, I'm gonna have to comment on every one of your posts!! These pictures are crazy good! I'm jealous.


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